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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Paan/Betal Leaves Shreekhand


Shrikhand is a traditional sweet of the Indian subcontinent made from strained yogurt. It is often served as part of a thali or with puris. It is a traditional dessert in Gujarati and Marathi cuisine.

To prepare shrikhand, yogurt is poured onto a cheesecloth. The cheesecloth is then tied and hung for several hours to drain the whey. Afterward, the strained yogurt is transferred to a bowl, where sugar, saffron, and cardamom are added. The mixture is whisked thoroughly to blend the flavors and achieve a smooth, creamy texture. It is then covered, chilled for a few hours, and served. The prepared shrikhand may be garnished with almonds or pistachios.

Here, I used paan (betel leaves), and it turned out to be absolutely delicious.

Preparation Time:- 10 minutes 

Cooking Time:- 5 minutes 

Serves:- 4

Author:- Hem Lata Srivastava 


  1. Hung curd 4 cup
  2. Fresh cream 1tbsp
  3. Paan puree  1 tbsp
  4. Powdered sugar as per taste 
  5. Cardamom powder 1/4 tsp
  6. Chopped nuts .

Recipe procedure:-

  1. Put dahi in a muslin cloth and hang for  two hours or keep in a strainer with fine mesh. Press to make sure that excess water is removed. Pass the hung dahi through strainer to get smooth thick dahi without lumps.
  2. Take the hung curd into a large bowl and mix well.
  3. Aad  powdered sugar,  cardamom powder, fresh cream and paan puree.
  4. Mix well making sure everything is well combined.
  5. Before serving garnish with nuts serve  chilled.