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Thursday, November 16, 2017

sabudana , beetroot tikki / साबूदाना और चुकंदर की टिक्की

First time I had sabudana khichdi when I was young, my cousin had made it for me on ekadashi vrat and that's how i came to know about sabudana which is also called sago.
Sabudana is actually a form of topiaco which is also known as cassava root. 
It is refer to the starch that is extracted from topiaco roots which is then proccesed to form spherical pearls and then the pearls are produced by passing the moist starch and sieve under pressure and then dried.
It can be used in various dishes like khichdi,  vada , poori,  kheer and laddo.
In vada you can also add some healthy veggies like carrot, beetroot,  spinach.

Beetroot is a root vegetable packed with essential nutritious, great source of fiber, potassium, iron etc.
Beetroot has been identified as super food due to its immense nutritional value. 

Just added a healthy ingredient in my sabudana vada and the taste is yumm, normally we make the sabudana vada in fasting days with potato, sabudana, spices, coriander, chili and peanuts. but here i gave a healthy twist and added beetroot in my sabudana vada. The taste is better than plane sabudana vada.


Soaking Time:- 4 hours 

Presentation Time:- 10minutes 
Cooking Time:' 25 minutes 
Serves :- 4


  1. Sabudana 2 cup
  2. Boiled potato 2 large no.
  3. Beetroot 1 large
  4. Sendha salt to taste
  5. Chopped green chili 2 tbsp
  6. Chopped coriander 2 tbsp
  7. Red chili powder 1 tsp
  8. Dry mango powder 1 tsp
  9. Lemon juice 1 tsp
  10. Crushed peanuts 1/2 cup
  11. Powdered makhana 2 tbsp
  12. Cumin 1 tsp
  13. Ghee 1 tbsp
  14. Oil for frying

For serving --green chutney

Method :-

  1. Wash and soak the sabudana for 4 hours.
  2. Peel wash and cut into two the beetroot then boil it for 15 minutes, Cool and grate the beet.
  3. Peel and grate the potato,
  4. Heat the ghee in a pan add cumin as they crackle add boiled and grated beetroot stir continuously and Cook until the extra water evaporates. cool it.
  5. Now mix soaked sabudana, potato, salt, beetroot, coriander, chili, red chili, lemon juice, dry mango powder, peanuts and powdered makhana, Mix well and make the tikki with the mixture.
  6. Heat the oil reduce the flame on medium hot, Fry the vada till golden and crisp.
  7. Serve hot with green chutney.

Note ---

Soak sago always in the water as much as the sago sinks, the sago will become wet with more water and the tikki will not become good.


सामिग्री :-

  1. साबूदाना २ कप
  2. उबला हुए आलू २ बड़े
  3. चुकंदर १ बड़ा
  4. सेंधा नमक स्वादनुसार
  5. बारीक कटी हरी मिर्च २ बड़े चम्मच
  6. बारीक कटी हरी धनिया २ बड़े चम्मच
  7. लाल मिर्च पाउडर १ छोटा चम्मच
  8. अमचूर पाउडर १ छोटा चम्मच
  9. नीबू का रस १ छोटा चम्मच 
  10. क्रस्ड मूंगफली १/२ कप 
  11. मखाना पाउडर २ बड़े चम्मच 
  12. जीरा १ छोटा चम्मच 
  13. घी १ बड़ा चम्मच 
  14. तेल तलने के लिए 

परोसने के लिए---- हरी चटनी 

बनाने की विधि :-

  1. साबूदाना कम से कम ४ घंटे के लिए भिगो दें। 
  2. चुकंदर को अच्छे से धोकर छिलका उतारें और फिर से धोकर दो हिस्सों में काट लें और १५ मिनट के लिए उबाल लें, अब इसे ठंडा होने पर कद्दूकस कर लें.
  3. आलू का छिलका उतारकर कद्दूकस कर लें। 
  4. एक बर्तन में घी गरम करें और जीरा चटका लें इसमें कद्दूकस किया चुकंदर डालकर लगातार चलाते हुए सारा पानी सूख जाने तक भून लें। 
  5. अब एक बर्तन में साबूदाना, आलू, चुकंदर, नमक, लाल मिर्च, हरी मिर्च, धनिया, नीबू का रस, अमचूर पाउडर, मूंगफली और मखाना पाउडर अच्छी तरह से मिलाकर मिश्रण से टिक्की बना लें। 
  6. बर्तन में तेल गरम करें और टिक्की को कुरकुरा हो जाने तक मध्यम आंच पर तल लें. 
  7. गरमागरम हरी चटनी के साथ परोसें। 

 नोट---- साबूदाना हमेशा उतने ही पानी में भिगोएं जितने में वह डूब जाये अन्यथा टिक्की अच्छी नहीं बनेगी ।


  1. Sabudana beetroot tikki looks awesome. I loved the beautiful colour of it. I make sabudana tikki but never added beetroot to it. I will make it soon.

  2. What a wonderful idea to make sabudana beetroot tikki. Looks so delicious and a healthier option to the usual fried sabudana vada. Must give it a try soon.

  3. Oh I love this power packed nutritious Tikkis with beetroot and sabudana. Delicious snack and can be gorged on guilt free. Would love to try it soon.

  4. so colourful and inviting these tikkis are.. perfect for a great snack idea

  5. Such a delicious and colourful sabudana beetroot tikki! I definitely want to grab some off the screen. Will love to have some right now as it looks like it will rain.

  6. What a great idea to use beetroot in sabudana tikki. Loved the beautiful color of the dish, really tempting share. Next time I’ll add beetroot in my tikki too, lovely share.
