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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Barley potato and green peas pulao

For more organic food products  information for  visit -GoIndiaOrganic 

GoIndia Organic is  a unique platform which provides authentic organic food products. In times when adulteration of food products is a common and intense problem, #GoIndia organic has made efforts of to provide organic  foods. Particularly those food products and ingredients which are used in daily household cooking. Also their very impotent agenda is to provide the most healthy and  nutritious food products for our children
From last few years, a trend has been observed that people are turning vegetarian and incorporating fresh and organic products in their daily nutrition requirements. Whole grains and fiber are rich food are finding a quick way in once's breakfast, lunch and dinner. These kind of foods  are beneficial in protecting against diseases  such as diabetics, high blood pressure, obesity another related problems.
Recently i got the opportunity by #plattershare to use and benefits from #GoIndia organic products. I got a 250 gram packets of barley grain Japaneses #hakabuku Oo mugi barley grain which  is now easily available in India also. #Hakabuku is the Japanese  name for barley which resemble white color of rice. This barley is much more nutritious then rice or wheat grains.
Playeshare provides an excellent platform for home cooks to exhibit their recipes, for more delicious recipes please visit -


Many more recipes can be easily made using this highly nutritious barley grains. If a person consume  10 grams barley in a day he/she can be easily get 426 mg of calcium. The benefit of barely are following - in fiber,  2. Reduce visceral fat. 3. Lowers cholesterol.
 Barley has high amount of B- glucan which is very beneficial for our digestive system, cholesterol and blood pressure management.

Benefit of Oo mugi barley grains-

I made potato and peas pulao by using this healthy and  nutritious Oomugi barley grains-

preparation time - 15 minutes 
soaking time--5 hours
cooking time 15 mints 
serves- 2 

ingredients ----- 

  1. 1 cup Oomugi barley grains
  2. 2 tbsp green peas
  3. 1 large potato
  4. salt to taste
  5. clove 2 nos
  6. sliced onion 2 tbsp
  7. black peppercorn 4 nos
  8. green cardamom 2 nos
  9. chopped green chili 1 tbsp
  10. cumin seeds 1 tsp
  11. soaked dry red chili 1 no.
  12. olive oil 2 tbsp


  1.  wash the barley the soak for 4 to 5 hours.
  2. peel, wash, cut potatoes in small dices 
  3.  heat the oil in a pan crackle the cumin seeds the saute the cardamom, black pepper, clove and red chili.
  4. now fry the onion and green chili.
  5. add potato and peas stir 2 minutes then add soaked barley add 2 cup water cover and cook it for 10 minutes on sim.
  6. switch of the gas serve hot with curd and salad.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Grewia Asiatica (False) ka sharbat/ फालसे का शरबत

Total time- 35 minutes
Serves - 4
Type- beverage 

फालसा एक छोटा और पौष्टिक फल है, ज्यादातर इसे काला नमक लगाकर खाया जाता है इसका शरबत  रिफ्रेशिंग होता है. अधिकतर उत्तर प्रदेश में इसका शरबत बनाया और परोसा जाता है परन्तु आजकल फालसे बहुत ही कम मिलते है, मुझे याद है अक्सर गर्मियों में गली मोहल्ले में फालसा बेचने वाले इसे बेचा करते थे आज इसकी पैदावार काफी कम हो जाने की वजह से यह कम ही मिलता है । 


  1. फालसे २५० ग्राम 
  2. चीनी २  बड़े चम्मच 
  3. भुना जीरा पाउडर १ छोटा चम्मच 
  4. काला नमक २ छोटे चम्मच 
  5. पुदीना पत्ती बारीक कटी १ बड़ा चम्मच और सजाने के लिए 
  6. नीबू की स्लाइस सजाने के लिए 


  1. फालसे को पहले धो लें और किसी चम्मच की सहायता से मैश करें ताकि सारे बीज अलग हो जाएं। 
  2. अब फालसे, काला नमक, जीरा पाउडर, चीनी, और २ ग्लास पानी मिला कर मिक्सी में चला लें इससे पल्प और सभी  एकसाथ मिल जाएँगी। 
  3. अब  मिक्सचर को निकाल कर बड़े बर्तन में छान लें। 
  4. सर्विंग गिलास में शरबत डालें, बर्फ के टुकड़े और पुदीना पत्ती डालें, ठंडा- ठंडा शरबत नीबू की स्लाइस और पुदीना पत्ती से सजा कर सर्व करें। 

                                              Recipe In English       


  1. False 250 gm
  2. Sugar 2 tbsp or as per taste
  3. Roasted cumin powder 1 tsp
  4. Black salt 2 tsp
  5. Mint leaves chopped 1 tbsp and for garnishing 
  6. Lemon slice for garnishing  

Method :-

  1. Wash the false and then mash with the help of spatula so that the pulp leaves the  seeds.
  2. Mix  false, black salt, roasted cumin powder, 2 glass  water  and sugar and put the mixture into the mixture grinder and turn on the mixture, the pulp will get into the water.
  3. Now take out the mixture, filter it a large bowl and pour the juice into the serving glass.
  4. Add ice cubes and mint leaves,  garnish with lemon slice and mint leaves.